
More Poison found around Stanley Park Area!!

Dog walkers be vigilant ⚠️⚠️

Just earlier this week we warned of rat poison deposited in Stanley Park seriously harming a dog. A lady called called Laura has kindly taken to Facebook yesterday to warn other dog walkers of ongoing poison traps in the Stanley Park /Blackpool Zoo area. She writes-

“Heads up people! I took my dog for a walk down the grass in front of the zoo ( opposite stanley park) my dog went running through the leaves then smelled something so stopped to investigate, she snuggled in the leaves and it’s a good thing I was watching her, she unearthed a pile of these pink pellets just lying under a couple of leaves so I pulled her away. On returning home I googled it and it’s Rat Poison!!! Just lying there waiting for some unsuspecting animal !! I am horrified at what could have happened, don’t take your eyes off your dog for a minute! This confirms another poisoning earlier this week on stanley park! Be vigilant people.”

Pink pellets believed to be Rat Poison

Thank you for the warning Laura, and please take care with your dogs around this area.

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