
Several swans found dead under suspicious circumstances at Stanley Park, Blackpool.

Horrified locals made a grim discovery of several dead swans on and around the banks and island at Stanley Park, Blackpool. Another single swan was apparently injured in a rough looking nest.

Photo by Stephanie Cottle.

Officials from both DEFRA and the RSPCA were seen investigating the lake area, and removing the deceased birds. It is believed that post mortems of each bird will take place this week.

This tragic news comes just days after we reported 2 separate incidents of rat poison deposited around Stanley Park. It’s also a possibility that they were attacked by vandals, or victims of Avian ( bird) flu as more cases cases of this increase across the UK.

It’s particularly distressing for the remaining swans, as at around 2-4 years old, swans find a mate for life, until death or failure to breed separates them. Stanley Park has been the home of swans for many years, and bring beauty and majesty to the wildlife in and around the Park.

We will update you as we find out more information on this sad event.

Locals are warned to be very vigilant with pets and children in this area.

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