
Granada Reports On Bobby Ball’s Statue – Link Here To View Last Night’s First Rate Feature

Last night’s Granada Reports carried a wonderful report featuring a special fundraiser who has run 5K every day through-out January to raise funds for Bobby Ball’s statue, which will be positioned in Lytham’s Lowther Gardens.  You can view the first-rate two and half minute report by clicking here: – the Granada reporter Caroline Whitmore obviously has a great affection for both Bobby Ball and his wife Yvonne, who is also featured in the excellent report.

The well-presented interview shows entertainer Kelvin Ward, from Bispham, running from the Comedy Carpet in Blackpool to Lowther Gardens in Lytham – a daily run which has helped raise an amazing £2,500 towards the £15,000 donated to the Just Giving fund for Bobby’s statue.  In the feature, Granada’s Caroline Whitmore also talks with Yvonne, and Bobby’s two grandsons, Sam and Joel.

Runner and entertainer, Kelvin Ward says, ‘Bobby was always one of my comedy heroes when I was growing up and when I met him a few years ago, he became an even bigger hero offstage because of the man he was. We became friends, and what struck me with him was he had time and passion for everything and everyone. I, like many others, was shocked and heartbroken when he passed away.’

The timing of the feature was especially poignant as Bobby would have been 77 last week – on Thursday 28th January.

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