
The Three Local Roads Earmarked For Resurfacing In 2022

Lancashire County Council has laid out how it will spend its 2022/2023 budget of £20m on maintain the 4,600 miles of highways and 5,300 miles of footways across the country. The plan includes 76 resurfacing projects in total across Lancashire this year (2022). Three local roads which are included in the resurfacing programme are:

  • St Albans Road (St Anne’s South). Full resurfacing from house no. 12A to the dead end
  • Mill Lane (Fylde West). Overlay from Lodge Lane to end of the adopted extent of the road
  • Greenhalgh Lane (Fylde West). Surface dressing of entire length between Back Lane and Fleetwood Road

Lancashire County Councillor Charlie Edwards, the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, said, ‘Our roads and supporting transport infrastructure are essential to our everyday lives and our economy, and keeping them in good condition is one of the county council’s biggest responsibilities. We’ve seen plenty of Lancashire’s typically wet and cold weather over recent weeks, which makes maintaining our roads a constant challenge, and why I’m very pleased that we have the resources available to make timely repairs and focus on our long-term goal of improving the overall condition of our highways so that they cost less to maintain in future.’


3 Responses

  1. Lot of resurfacing funding in a bike lane.
    A bike lane that will be dug up in a couple of years when they realize that it just needed double yellow lines down both sides (without exception)

  2. Section’s of St Tomas Road in St Anne’s are extremely bad and do require attention especially nearer to the school.
    Has no one from FBC or LCC not had a look at the state of that road after the recent gas infrastructure upgrades and the damage created after lane restrictions being applied to one side of the road.

  3. St Albans Road is a dead end! It is concrete paved and is in good condition with no through traffic! What are these numpties at LCC thinking of? Bartle Road, just around the corner is like a tank run!!

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