
‘Brass At The Seaside’ This Weekend In St. Anne’s – A Wonderful Musical Event!

This coming weekend, 8th & 9th July, sees the return of the brilliant  “Brass at the Seaside” event in St.Anne’s.

Providing free entertainment for the whole community, you will be treated to a variety of Brass bands performing a wide variety of music in different styles and genres and include a street band playing fusion music on the prominent beachfront bandstand in St Anne’s.

Bands will be attending from all over Lancashire and further afield along with the award-winning Lancashire Youth Brass Band, led by their amazing conductor, Helen Minshall.

On the Saturday you will be able to try your hand at a musical instrument during a free workshop.

The Evening of the 8th July sees a Gala concert at St Thomas’s church and we are very grateful to the support of “The Windmill Benefit Society” for their financial contribution to this.

Their support means that profits from the Gala concert can be added to our Hardship fund, helping Children and young people in Lancashire access music education, who may face financial barriers.

Tickets can be purchased on the door for £5 and refreshments will be available.

This promises to be a wonderful evening of music with the award winning LYBB and St Helens Youth Brass Band and not to be missed!

All of the visiting bands are voluntary organisations and organisers  are still interested to hear from any local business that may be interested in sponsoring a Band during the weekend. Sponsorship money will be given to the various bands to help cover the costs of transport to the event and Business will be given exposure during the event.

If you wish to discuss this fabulous opportunity to raise the profile of your business whilst helping the community, please contact: Rachel Hughes on 07500881431 to discuss different options.

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