
The Return Of Fracking To The Fylde – With Focus On Singleton & Greenhalgh

Councillor Matthew Lee has shared this important message to residents in the Ward he represents:

‘A Notice of Motion has been received at Fylde Borough Council for the meeting on Wednesday 12th October 2022, asking Fylde to confirm that it rejects the return of Fracking to the Borough.

With this being such a contentious issue, I thought it is best to try and get as much data as possible so this is an unofficial survey to get an understanding of the feelings towards Fracking within Singleton and Greenhalgh.

As the elected representative for this Ward, my vote will always be what the majority of the residents want, irrespective of my personal opinion.

Please could you take a few minutes to fill this in and ask as many of your friends and neighbours to do the same and share this post.

For the record, I will not share any personal information with anybody and will only use the combined results to guide my vote.

Please feel free to leave any additional comments IN THE SURVEY rather than below and be assured that they will remain confidential. If I ever quote from a comment made, it will not be associated to any individual.

The Survey can be found here:

All full council meetings are streamed live on Fylde Council’s YouTube Channel. Simply click on the channel and watch the next meeting on 12 October at 7.00 p.m. It’s Full Council. It’s at the Town Hall… and it’s LIVE!  Click on:

3 Responses

  1. Please try to stop this happening again we fought long and hard following earthquakes before the moratorium the ground around us cannot withstand fracking

  2. Please don’t bring Fracking back as it must be causing untold damage. The tremors were terrifying, and surely causing unknown problems for our future.

  3. Any suggestion that local councils might be bypassed to allow fracking companies to poll residents over drilling should be firmly nipped in the bud.
    It would be totally unacceptable that the very companies with a vested interest in fracking should be in a position to offer financial inducements, aka bribes, in exchange for consent, nor should they be permitted to set an artificially low threshold.
    Elected councils are the only truly representative bodies to determine consent in matters of such importance, and this point needs to be made loud and clear.

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