
Civic Society Object To Granny’s Bay Kiosk Proposal

The Civic Society have objected to the proposal to develop a new Ice Cream Kiosk at Granny’s Bay. This planning application included the demolition of existing ice cream kiosk building and erection of ice cream kiosk building for the production and sale of ice cream, and sale of food and drink, with covered seating area, hard landscaping and ground re-profiling works, and 2 parking spaces.

This proposal was outlined in the Lytham St Anne’s article: .

The Civic Society’s objection is shared in full below:

Principle of development

Granny’s Bay is not a development site or an area requiring regeneration, it is an area of outstanding natural beauty and Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). This is a key landscape asset and designated amenity area and should not have ever been considered for building on by the council. The proposal is contrary to policy ENV3 and contrary to the NPPF. We find that the Planning statement by DePol is misleading especially points 4.3 to 4.12, and we disagree with how the argument in favour of development has been set out.

It is clear that the land proposed for development is absolutely essential to the setting, character, recreational benefits and visual amenity as part and intrinsic to the Stanner Bank amenity green space designation. Also, it is clear that this proposal would have a dramatic impact on the landscape and create a negative ‘landscape impact’. A landscape impact assessment should be part of this application and we feel that this has been omitted due to the obvious negative effect this report would have. This proposal creates adverse impacts contrary to the landscape, biodiversity and water management requirements of the Local Plan. Our view is that investment would be better spent on important current projects such as St Anne’s main square that is currently underfunded.

Existing building and local facilities

The existing kiosk seems adequate for the sunny days we get and the year round demand for ice cream, especially when considering the large cafe already at Fairhaven Lake very close by. If the existing kiosk needs more space for storage or the making of ice cream or gelato, it could simply be extended or rebuilt a little larger in the same location that doesn’t block views of the estuary and in the same traditional style. There are no shortage of places to go to eat and drink along the Fylde coast frontage including; the very nearby Fairhaven pub, the Queens, the Clifton Arms, Fairhaven café, beach terrace café, ocean café, the Grand Hotel, St Ives hotel and more.


Any development, even a sign or an open shelter should be subservient to the natural location and view, not dominate or interrupt the view. This is an important site of outstanding natural beauty, and we should be seeking to protect the designated Stanner Bank amenity space coastal asset. We feel that this new structure is neither preserving or enhancing the coastline environment and urbanization of the beach frontage should be resisted unless absolutely necessary and only under very special circumstances. All views of the estuary from granny’s bay would be affected by this new structure that is not required to enjoy this special location and that is contrary to policy ENV3 and the Stanner Bank Amenity designation.


The wedge shape does not seem to create much more working space than the existing kiosk for the actual staff working area, being at the thin end of the plan, therefore not a significant improvement. The kiosk window created by chamfering off the point of the wedge is facing west and into the prevailing westerly wind and therefore will be difficult to operate at most times of the year. The existing kiosk has a more sheltered aspect and any design should consider this.


This is a difficult environment to place a structure in and the current design is unsuitable for such an exposed location, the large overhanging flat roof will need to deal with high wind loads and lift created by high wind speeds. The frameless look glazed doors will not be durable and weathertight enough in this exposed location. Sedum roofs are generally avoided in harsher coastal, high salinity locations, although not impossible to make work the roof will require substantial maintenance, also as an extensive type grass roof i.e. a laid roll, can lift in high winds, especially as it doesn’t seem to have a protective parapet around it. Corten steel as proposed for the cladding and security bars is generally not considered a suitable building material to use in corrosive locations like by the coast due to high salinity and aggressive coastal environments. This will generally cause excessive rust run off and staining of adjacent surfaces as well as rapid degrading of the material itself and pollution to the surface water, this has not been picked up in the drainage report. On the face of it it looks like maintenance will be a serious problem and that the design liability risk is extremely high, in terms of materials, construction and pollution.


We want to support local businesses and help to create a vibrant local economy in the right places, regeneration is defined as the act of improving a place or system, especially by making it more active or successful, Granny’s Bay as a place is already very successful and does not need regenerating. Extending the existing kiosk would be the right thing to do if that is what is required due to increased demand. We cannot see any special circumstances that would require the council to develop on granny’s bay and we want to reinforce that this is not a development site, it is one of the Fylde’s most important landscape assets and an area of outstanding natural beauty and SSSI. The scheme is clearly contrary to local and government planning policies.

The civic society strongly object to this proposal and urge the local authority to rethink this strategy and the planners to refuse this application for the reasons stated above.

The full original planning application submitted to Fylde Council  may be seen here:

The existing ice cream kiosk is depicted below:

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